The virtues in the individual strengths of character
Whenever some scandal such as the corruption of members of some public agency or a financial scandal arising from some company occurs, questions about ethics again rise to the public debate. Lack of character, lack of virtue, unethical company, etc., are debated issues, but that often remain unsolved. But what, in fact, are these concepts? […]
Black Mirror and death of ethics
Giges was a peasant of sheep, a morally respectable citizen, who worked for the ruler of Lydia. After a great storm and a trembling in the earth, a crater was created in the place where he grazed the flock. In this crater, Giges found a corpse, which had a gold ring in his hand. When […]
Alternative life (but not so much): reflections on the movie “Captain Fantastic” in the light of the delimitation of social systems of Guerreiro Ramos (1989)
Anyone who has watched the movie Captain Fantastic (2016), (see movie trailer) knows the inspiring character of Viggo Mortensen as the father of six children. He, along with his wife and children, chose to live alone in an American forest. Far from society, they create their own methods of study, food production and health care […]
Presentation of NISP in the 3rd Academic Week Of Public Administration Of UDESC
Professor Mauricio Serafim, leader of the Admethics research project and deputy leader of NISP (Research Centre for Social Innovation in Public Sphere) participated in the 3rd Public Administration Academic Week of the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc), presenting the work of NISP and Admethics on April 17th. Check out the video: The event took […]
Researchers from the AdmEthics Group publish an article on teaching of ethics in public administration courses
Doctoral student Laís S. Santos, Prof. Mauricio C. Serafim and Prof. Marcello B. Zappellini, from ESAG and researchers from the AdmEthics Group and NISP, in partnership with Professors Silvia Maria K. C. Zappellini and Martha K. Borges, published the article “Teaching of ethics in public administration courses: An analysis from Pedagogical Projects of Course and […]
Researchers have papers approved at ENANPAD 2017
Two researchers from our research project had papers approved at the XLI Meeting of ANPAD – EnANPAD 2017, held in São Paulo / SP, starting on 1st October, and ending on 4th.
Meeting july 12th, 2017
The group members submitted two articles to the EnANPAD academic event and both were approved. They are: Teaching ethics in the field of Public Administration, Mauricio, Marcello, Silvia and Martha. The Phronesis Study in Organizations: A Systematic Review, by Clara, Mauricio and Marcello. The idea of seeking to publish articles in international journals A1 / […]
Meeting june 21st, 2017
Discussion about Reason – Part I Reference: Marias, J. Introdução à Filosofia. São Paulo: Livraria Duas Cidades, 1995. Capítulo 5: A Razão. We began the discussion of the text “Reason”. The group addressed the following topics: Fallacies: suppression of the final cause, polylogism (a term coined by von Mises) and nominalism. The etymology of the […]