This page regards the research project “The Ethics of associated human life: Understanding moral acts aimed at the common good in the Brazilian context,” which is funded by CNPq Process 409463/2021-3 (2022-2025), Fapesc 1422/2021 (2021-2023) and UDESC.
The general objective of the project is to propose a theoretical-empirical perspective of ethics for the understanding of moral acts carried out in the public sphere with a view to the common good in the Brazilian context, enabling the constitution of effective, responsible and inclusive institutions at all levels, including the ethical. For this, it is divided into the following specific objectives:
(a) articulate a theoretical-analytical framework for the study of moral acts in the area of Public Administration that includes an anthropological notion of the human being as one of its foundations;
(b) investigate the role of the main theoretical elements of the framework of virtue ethics, such as moral virtues, phronesis, character, and eudaimonia, in explaining moral acts;
(c) understand how virtuous moral acts are learned in associated human life to improve the ethical training of Administration professionals;
(d) discuss the role of different actors in Public Administration, the economic sphere, and civil society in cultivating moral acts that contribute to the common good;(e) analyze how the perspective of virtue ethics can contribute to improving moral acts, considering the factors involved in the action: principles, laws and rules, consequences, and intention.