Professor and researcher at the Department of Public Administration and the Graduate Program in Administration at the Center for Administration and Socioeconomic Sciences, State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). His topics of interest are 1) Moral dilemmas and rationality in organizations; 2) Ethics of virtues in administrative action and the public sphere; 3) Innovative research, teaching, and learning practices in Ethics in Administration; 4) Interfaces between ethics, economics, and administration; 5) Interfaces between ethics and the anthropological dimension in Administration.
E-mail | CV Lattes | Research Gate | ORCID iD | Google Scholar | Twitter | Personal website
He graduated in Economics and Administration and held a Master and Doctor’s degree in Administration. He currently teaches in the courses of Public Administration, Economic Sciences, and in the Academic Master’s Degree at Esag/Udesc. Areas of interest: Research Methods, Evaluation Methodologies, Public Policy, Ethics, and Economic History. He is the vice leader of the “AdmEthics – Ethics, Virtues and Moral Dilemmas in Administration” Group, leader of the research group on “Public Policy and Development – CALLIPOLIS” and director of Research and Graduate Studies at ESAG / UDESC.
E-mail | CV Lattes | Research Gate | ORCID iD |
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), a Master’s in Administration (1997), and a Doctorate in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006). He is a professor at the School of Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (EA / UFRGS). His interests are: Brazilian Social Thought, Higher Education in Administration, Intellectual History, and Theories of Organizations.
E-mail | CV Lattes | Research Gate | ORCID iD | Google Scholar
Professor at ESAG/UDESC. Post-doctorate in Administration from the Postgraduate Programme in Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). PhD in Administration (2019), research line in Public Administration and Society, from the Centre for Administration and Socioeconomic Sciences at ESAG/UDESC. Master in Administration (2012) from the Postgraduate Programme in Administration at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (CPGA/UFSC) and Bachelor in Public Administration (2012) from ESAG/UDESC. Since 2010, she has been a federal public servant, holding the position of administrator at the Dean of Development and People Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PRODEGESP/UFSC). She is interested in studies on rationality in organisations, Ethics in Public Administration; Ethics in Emergency Management and Disaster Management; and University Management.
E-mail | CV Lattes | Research Gate | ORCID iD | Google Scholar
PhD in Administration from the Postgraduate Program in Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina – ESAG/UDESC. He completed his Master’s degree in 2015 from ESAG/UDESC and a degree in Administration in 2013 from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He has experience as a consultant for the Center for Reference in Innovative Technologies (CERTI) Foundation, within the Center for Green Economy, where he developed work focused on the economic sustainability of conservation units, sustainable territorial development strategies for tourist destinations and business innovation models for nature conservation. He is currently a researcher at the AdmEthics group (UDESC) and a professor of the subjects of Public Project Development, Philosophy and Ethics.
Thesis: ?De mim saiu virtude?:: espiritualidade e competência moral em grupos de formação empreendedora.
Dissertation: Entre duas naturezas: contribuições da educação ao ar livre pela aventura para a formação em administração.
E-mail | CV Lattes | Research Gate | ORCID iD | Google Scholar
Silvia Maria Knabben Corrêa Zappellini
She graduated in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), a Specialist in Environmental Education from the Center for Human Sciences and Education at the State University of Santa Catarina FAED / UDESC, and a Master’s in Strategic Management in Organizations by the Administration of the Center for Administration Sciences and Socioeconomic Studies at the State University of Santa Catarina ESAG / UDESC. Professor in Philosophy and Ethics applied in Administration, Social responsibility management, and Environmental Sustainability Management at Energia College, where she has also taught Scientific Methodology and Research. Her topics of interest are ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability.
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Victor Sales Pinheiro
Graduated in Law (CESUPA) and Ph.D. in Philosophy (PUC-RJ and UERJ), Victor Sales Pinheiro is a professor and researcher at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and at the Centro Universitário do Pará (CESUPA), in Belém, working in the Undergraduate Program and Post-Graduation in Law. Coordinator of the Research Groups (CNPq) “Tradição da Lei Natural” (Tradition of the Natural Law) and “Razão pública, secularização e direitos humanos: casos, princípios e teorias políticas” (Public reason, secularization and human rights: cases, principles and political theories) and member of the “AdmEthics – Ethics, Virtues and Moral Dilemmas in Administration” Group.
CV Lattes | Dialético | Research Gate | ORCID iD
Doctorate Students
Ph.D. candidate in Business Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). She holds a master’s in business administration and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Economic Sciences. She worked in an investment brokerage and in the high-income segment of a private banking institution, during which time she also researched debt based on the Behavioral Economics approach. During her master’s, she studied impatience as an obstacle to public policies from the Behavioral Economics approach. She is currently a member of AdmEthics at ESAG/UDESC and serve as the group’s executive coordinator, where I am also developing my thesis on ethics and artificial intelligence. My research interests include ethics, behavioral economics and public policies.
Thesis: A impaciência como entrave para políticas públicas de saúde
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Master in Business Administration at the Graduate Program in Business Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina ESAG / UDESC (2018-2020). Graduating in Business Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC. Graduated in Public Policy Management from the State University of Campinas – Unicamp. She specialized in Environmental Education for Sustainability at the National Service for Commercial Learning – SENAC. Participates in the AdmEthics group, a research group linked to UDESC, developing his dissertation on religiosity, spirituality, and moral competence in decision-makers in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
Thesis: Tecnologia religiosa voltada à práxis em organizações baseadas na fé da sociedade civil
E-mail | CV Lattes | Research Gate | ORCID iD
PhD student in Administration at the Postgraduate Program in Administration of the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). Master in Administration (ESAG/UDESC). Graduated in Law (UNISUL) and in Public Administration (ESAG/UDESC). Interested in the following topics: Organization of the State; Debureaucratization of Public Administration; Virtue Ethics; Austrian School; Artificial Intelligence.
Thesis: O uso da Inteligência Artificial na burocracia governamental sob o enfoque da Ética das Virtudes
He graduated in Accounting from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a Master’s in Accounting from the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE). Doctoral candidate in Administration by the Postgraduate Program in Administration at the Center for Administration and Socioeconomic Sciences, State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). He works as an Accountant at a public institution and has experience in Public Administration and Accounting. He participates as a student in the ADMETHICS group, and his research interests involve ethics, virtues, and moral development in public organizations.
Michel Araujo
Bachelor in Public Administration from the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC), Bachelor in Information Systems from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Master in Natural Disasters from the University Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and PhD candidate in Administration from the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). Professional experience as a Systems Analyst and is currently Captain of the Santa Catarina Military Fire Department.
E-mail | CV Lattes | ORCID iD |
Master in University Administration (2021), Public Policy and Society research line, by the Graduate Program in University Administration at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGAU/UFSC). Bachelor’s in public administration from the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). Federal Public Servant from the Federal University of Santa Catarina since 2016. His research interests include Governance, Ethics in Public Administration, University Management, Public Policy, and Artificial Intelligence.
E-mail | CV Lattes | ORCID iD | Google Scholar | Site pessoal
Master Students
Bruno Bertran Sartor
Master’s student in Administration at the Postgraduate Academic Program at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). Graduated in Law from the UNESC and specialist in Public Law and Legal Practice from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB). Participates in the AdmEthics group with an interest in research on Ethics, Artificial Intelligence and its use in organizations such as the Judiciary and the Public Ministry. He is currently Assistant Attorney General at the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina.
Master’s student in Administration at the Postgraduate Programme in Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws from UNIVALI (University of Vale do Itajaí), Postgraduate in Tax Law from IBET (Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies), Postgraduate in Philosophy and Human Rights from Faculdade Única. His research interests include ethics, artificial intelligence and its regulation, and debureaucratization of public administration.
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Sândro José Risso
Graduated in Business Administration (UNOPAR), with a Specialization in Strategic Organizational Management (UNOESC). Sândro José Risso works as an Administrator at CELESC and a researcher at UDESC. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Academic Administration at UDESC. Research Title: Virtue Ethics in the Pursuit of Effectiveness in Public Policies. Advisor: Marcello Beckert Zappellini. Co-advisor: Maurício Custódio Serafim. Scholarship holder from the Foundation for Research and Innovation Support of the State of Santa Catarina, FAPESC, Brazil.
He is graduating in Public Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). He carried out internships in several institutions of Public Administration. He participates in the AdmEthics research group, contributing to research in Artificial Intelligence. His interests involve philosophy, education, ethics, and artificial intelligence.
Associate Researchers
Master student in Administration at the Postgraduate Program at Santa Catarina State University (PPGA/UDESC). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration (2019) from the College of Administration and Economic Science at Santa Catarina State University (ESAG/UDESC). He was a scholarship researcher at AdmEthics (2019) – Ethics, Virtues and Moral Dilemmas in Administration –a research group linked to UDESC and registered with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ). He is currently a registered master’s Researcher at AdmEthics. His subjects of interest in Administration are Moral Development, Personality Psychology, Statistics, and Virtue Ethics.
E-mail | CV Lattes |Research Gate| ORCID iD
Ph.D. in Administration at State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC, 2020). She holds an MSc in Administration (ESAG/UDESC, 2015), an Executive MBA in Financial Business (FGV, 2006), and a Bs in Administration (UNOCHAPECÓ University, 2003). She worked in a public bank and the commercial sector before becoming a teacher-researcher. She is a member and executive coordinator (2020-2021) of the AdmEthics Research Group. Her research interests involve virtue ethics in business and management, entrepreneurship, and public policy.
Thesis: ‘Moral da história’: dilemas, incerteza e a racionalidade de empreendedores econômicos e sociais
E-mail | CV Lattes | Research Gate | ORCID iD |Google Scholar