Author: Elize Jacinto Matos

Challenges of Human Autonomy: Reflections on God, Science and Technology in Contemporary Society.

This article is the result of a reflection on the dualistic relationship that has been established regarding the role of God in science and technology. Western philosophy, mainly since the Middle Ages, has been guided by the concept of human autonomy. It has done its utmost to validate and consolidate this autonomy (Schuurman, 2016). We […]

Artificial Intelligence and Trust

Unlike all interactions of man with technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has added complexity to the dynamics and exchanges it establishes with people. Because it has a certain degree of autonomy in its responses, which happen through artificial neural networks, the connection that develops between AI and individuals needs to be better understood and deepened. It […]

Technological Determinism and the Social Construction of Technology

Debates around technology have become prominent in academia as artifacts acquire more and more refinement. Following the logic, studies on Artificial Intelligence are taking spaces that transcend the areas of engineering and computer science. Due to its ethical, moral, philosophical and anthropological implications, scholars are looking to understand how this technology is affecting and will […]

Ethics and Technology – Part 1

There is a common sense of what technology is, and although it is not wrong in its entirety, it does not reflect the depth and complexity that encompass its definitions – which by the way are far from reaching consensus. The first associations with technology refer to “last generation” devices, cars and modern buildings, among […]

The Crazy of Carlos Drummond de Andrade and the Applications on our Reality

Reading good books, appreciating the arts and listening to good music develop in us a stronger ability to perceive the world around us. Reading has always exerted and will profoundly transform the sincere reader who recognizes that he knows little, and that even under that little, there is an immensity to consider. Sensitivity becomes heightened in the reading exercise and the […]

The act of reflection on oneself and an outsourcing of ethical responsibility.

We rarely admit the error and when we do, it usually hurts. The act of recognizing one’s faults is closely connected with a mirror that reflects an image we rarely want to see. It is naturally understandable that the human being, in the majority of the times, will be overestimated, even when this appears camouflaged […]

Happiness, empathy and social selfishness: reflections on moral conduct in Utilitarianism

In utilitarian thought, the definition of morality will necessarily derive from articulation between sensitivity and rationality. The most immediate aggregation is with the Hobbesian model, where pain and pleasure are determining characteristics of cognition. The conception of Bentham establishes that nature placed humanity under the dominion of two sovereign masters: pain and pleasure. It is […]

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