Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics and Kant’s Moral Duty in Dialogue
Text written in collaboration with Renata Biana da Silva Ethics is one of the oldest fields of philosophy, involving questions about what is morally right or wrong, how we should live, and what constitutes a good life. Throughout history, different ethical systems have emerged to try to answer these questions, with Aristotle and Immanuel Kant […]
The Complex Relationship Between Ethics and Economics
In the 1980s, American author Kenneth Lux published a book with a title as intriguing as it is misleading: “Adam Smith’s Mistake: How A Moral Philosopher Invented Economics and Ended Morality.” Lux’s mistake was twofold; Adam Smith neither invented Economics as an autonomous science from Philosophy, nor did he end morality: what he suggested was […]
Eric Voegelin – A Brief Biography (Part 2)
Eric Voegelin writes about the importance of a circle of individuals such as Stefan George Kreis and Karl Kraus. The former was a German poet who opened doors for Voegelin to get to know the work of Stéphane Mallarmé. The latter allowed Voegelin to deepen his critical understanding of politics and the role of the […]
In search of the public ethos: Is the Unified National Competition an alternative for selecting new public servants with a vocation for public service?
Aristotle designated ethos as constructing an image of a speaker’s character. In this sense, ethos appears as the moral character trait that the speaker must present. Another meaning that complements the first is related to a habit or custom, such as virtue and rational reflections based on values and the human experience of acting on […]
Essay towards an understanding of the essence of human love
This presentation explores ethics’ role in the search for love. Within this context, according to Lima (2017), love is intrinsically linked to the human will. For the author, the human will is influenced by action, and when this is directed towards the search for genuine wisdom, that love can be fully realized. Because, for Silva […]
Virtue Ethics and Utilitarianism: An Approach by Appearances
One of the fundamental differences between human beings and other animals lies in the possibility of sophisticating thought in order to achieve moral greatness. For Aristotle, habits that direct man towards the good are virtues. On the other hand, practices that degenerate man are called vices. Because of this, an ethical basis becomes necessary for […]
Chapter 3 – Virtues
What is an Intellectual Virtue? Roberts and Wood (2007), in the book Intellectual virtues: an essay in regulative epistemology[1], seek to outline this question thoughtfully and insightfully throughout its pages. Starting from the idea that Virtues make a person excellent as a human being, this text aims to summarize the main ideas contained in chapter […]
The virtue of trust and the admethics group: perspectives from studies in progress.
Trust is the basis of existing social relationships at all levels, and without it, social cohesion cannot exist (Sélles, 2020). Ethical behavior within a group depends on existing trust relationships (Colquitt et al., 2007; Hardin, 2002; Mayer et al., 1995). Trust in general is a multidisciplinary concept with a wide variety of definitions. Rousseau et al. (1998) define […]
Selective ethics
What is emerging (or re-emerging) in our time is the legitimization of a selective ethic according to the categorical attributes into which each individual fits. For this ideology, if someone has the misfortune of falling into a given category, it is enough to be accused of being an oppressor, a potential criminal, and to have […]
A possibility of alignment between ethics and finance
Enron Corporation was a world leader in power distribution. Located in Houston, Texas, it employed about 21,000 people. In the year of 2000, before filing for bankruptcy due to accounting fraud, Enron earned $ 101 billion. This is not the first and will not be the last case in which companies are involved in some […]