Reflections on the Conscious Use of Technology
I have observed how some modern technologies participate in our environment and had some insights about what would be the proper use of these tools. It is easy to see that some tools can be used well or poorly; the elementary example is the knife, an object that emerged in the early stages of humanity, […]
Virtue Ethics and Utilitarianism: An Approach by Appearances
One of the fundamental differences between human beings and other animals lies in the possibility of sophisticating thought in order to achieve moral greatness. For Aristotle, habits that direct man towards the good are virtues. On the other hand, practices that degenerate man are called vices. Because of this, an ethical basis becomes necessary for […]
The issue of the virtues’ unity
Integrity traces back to the idea of “wholeness, perfect condition,” and the word likely emerged in the mid-15th century in the English language (, also potentially meaning “to be whole” or “to be complete.” In Business Ethics, integrity can easily be confused with the long-standing idea of the connection of virtues, which can be expressed […]
Chapter 3 – Virtues
What is an Intellectual Virtue? Roberts and Wood (2007), in the book Intellectual virtues: an essay in regulative epistemology[1], seek to outline this question thoughtfully and insightfully throughout its pages. Starting from the idea that Virtues make a person excellent as a human being, this text aims to summarize the main ideas contained in chapter […]
Ph.D. course ending. Post series beginning
Motivated by the inquiry about what we can learn in nature and how do we apply it in our daily lives, I recently defended the thesis “Between two natures: contributions of outdoor adventure education in managers formation” at Santa Catarina State University (Udesc). I enter the world of Outdoor Adventure Education with field research tools, […]
The Virtues in J.R.R. Tolkien
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (better known as J. R. R. Tolkien) is one of my favorite authors. I share with this author his birthday, January 3rd, and this coincidence is a great honor for me, considering my admiration for his life and work. To close the month of our anniversary (!), I decided to write […]
The virtue of trust and the admethics group: perspectives from studies in progress.
Trust is the basis of existing social relationships at all levels, and without it, social cohesion cannot exist (Sélles, 2020). Ethical behavior within a group depends on existing trust relationships (Colquitt et al., 2007; Hardin, 2002; Mayer et al., 1995). Trust in general is a multidisciplinary concept with a wide variety of definitions. Rousseau et al. (1998) define […]
Again, a few words about the conceptual, methodological, and teleological rigor necessary for the academic way of life
To combat this pathological situation, Paulo Grave and I have defended a proposal to rehabilitate the process of training masters and doctors in stricto sensu postgraduate courses in administration. This proposal consists of education for virtue (Azevedo & Grave 2014; 2020). Of course, it is not an education for any virtue, but an education proper to the […]
Virtues and utilitarianism: an impossible dialogue?
At first sight, utilitarianism and virtue ethics are absolutely incompatible currents of thought: utilitarianism calls for a principle of maximization, to an instrumental calculation of consequences as a criterion for the classification of moral acts, while virtue ethics requires careful analysis of the situation and the context in which the agent finds himself to determine […]
Virtues to face procrastination in quarantine: temperance and prudence
“I just think it (the dragon) just wanted to be noticed” – said Billy (KENT, 1975). How to deal with procrastination that can emerge from the challenges of quarantine? To answer this question, this article presents Aristotelian virtues. In particular, this text focus on two of them: temperance and prudence. We seek to understand whether […]