Author: Ariston Azevêdo

Henri Fayol, in search of an interpretive key to his ideas

In his classic book Industrial and General Administration, in French Administration Industrielle et générale, before listing his famous fourteen “general principles of administration,” Henri Fayol draws the reader’s attention to the meaning that the word principle would assume in his text. However, far from presenting a precise definition or providing any reference to the source on […]

Again, a few words about the conceptual, methodological, and teleological rigor necessary for the academic way of life

To combat this pathological situation, Paulo Grave and I have defended a proposal to rehabilitate the process of training masters and doctors in stricto sensu postgraduate courses in administration. This proposal consists of education for virtue (Azevedo & Grave 2014; 2020). Of course, it is not an education for any virtue, but an education proper to the […]

News of speculation about what the organization is and should be, administratively speaking

Faced with the greater intention of explaining what management is, me and my study partner, Professor Paulo Grave, have been led, due to a purposeful and imperative discursive circularity in the construction of an answer-argument, to the elaboration of a speech about a certain complex object – the organization – that corresponds to the convenience […]

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