Tag: moral

Eric Voegelin – A Brief Biography (Part 2)

This series of writings continues to present, briefly, the biography of Eric Voegelin based on the work “Autobiographical Reflections,” published in 2008, in which he offers a historical and biographical context for his motivations through the development and articulation of his ideas in various fields of knowledge. Eric Voegelin revives the concept of “anamnesis,” which […]

How is your moral imagination going?

In this text we will address moral imagination in teaching ethics in Management. You will find the following topics: ● A brief definition of moral imagination and why it is important for ethics in Management. ● Two alternatives that can help extend the moral imagination: literary narratives and reflecting on films. Moral Imagination and its […]

Prima Facie Duties: A deontology in context?

Sir William David Ross (1877–1941), better known as W. D. Ross, was a Scottish philosopher from Oxford University, where he taught Moral Philosophy for several years, having excelled in this area for the publication of a book, The Right And The Good (1930), as well as for having translated and organized an edition of Aristotle’s […]

Rediscovering Adam Smith’s “Three Primary Virtues”

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own inter-esteem. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.”. It is with this […]

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