Phenomenology in the social sciences: a summary
1. What is phenomenology? “Phenomenon” means what is shown, not only what appears or seems (BELLO, 2006) or in the words of Husserl: “everything that is experience, unit of experience of an self (…)” (HUSSERL, 1988, p. 176) and to the author necessary for utilization of a method that can be the understanding (cited BELLO , 2006). To Abbafnano (1993) the phenomenology was understood by Husserl as a […]
Book reading tip: “Advice on intellectual work” by Louis Riboulet
Louis Riboulet’s book “Advice on intellectual work” is a great book to be read by anyone who has the desire to have a life of study. In its 16 chapters, the book is full of advice systematized in the beautiful prose of Riboulet, who probably gathered a huge amount of files with the advice and […]
Prudence in Thomas Aquinas
When referring to prudence, Aquinas did not refer to the same meaning as today we give the word, as a simple synonymous of wariness and precaution. However, there is some remnant of the idea of prudentia in modern prudence. The prudent for Thomas is the one who “envisions the possibilities that can occur in the contingent situations,” but it don´t stays only […]
Mindfulness as a meditation practice and as an individual and collective characteristic
Mindfulness popularity in the academic and organizational realm is been increasing in the last years, being used as tool for increasing the organizational performance and increasing the well of being of it’s members. This article intends to bring some definitions for the mindfulness construct, used not only to describe a meditation practice, but also an […]
Mindfulness as a practice and Mindfulness as a trait
Today mindfulness research is one of the fastest ascending lines of scholarship, with its influence extending beyond peer-reviewed studies, having a large adoption of the practice in development and training programs of corporations, featuring in news programs, scientific journals devoted to the study of the subject and even apps that can be downloaded in almost […]
Virtue as a roundabout way to Eudaimonia
In their article, Michael Brady and Clark Tang analyze the virtues within the writings of two philosophers about 22 centuries apart and geographically thousands of miles apart: the Chinese Confucius and the Scottish Adam Smith. In the Analects, a book in which texts attributed to Confucius and his disciples come together, and in the final […]
Commented Summary of the text “Moral psychology” by Flavio Williges
The text “Moral Psychology” by Flavio Williges tries to bring possible answers to questions pertaining to moral psychology, an area of ethics that seeks to study which are the determinants and psychological factors of moral behavior. Part of the assumption is that moral standards have normative force and leave psychological traits that after being internalized […]
Virtues in relationships
Practicing Virtues in relationships is not always easy. Sometimes we are in a good humor, everything is going OK and everyone is treating us kindly, agreeing with everything we say. Than, maybe we will forget that practicing virtuous is something that has to be done all the time and we don’t realize that there’s an […]
The Virtue in Daoism
Daoism is a philosophical and religious tradition from ancient China, whose most know work it’s the Dao De Jing, probably wrote by Laozi between 350-250 b.C. The legend says that Laozi was asked by frontier guard to share his wisdom, so Laozi wrote the teachings that are at the Dao De Jing. But maybe the […]