The Influence Of Public Transparency On Perceived Trustworthiness: A Possible Study In The Brazilian Scenario
At the end of a systematic review for the preparation of the thesis project within the ADMETHICS research group on this topic, when describing research that used the dimensions of trustworthiness as determinants of trust, it was possible to observe that the studies present a configuration that is in line with the findings of Cucciniello, […]
Citrus bergamia: What You Can’t Miss About the 11 Segments
The tangerine is highly appreciated in outdoor environments. While its scientific name, Citrus bergamia, may be little known, its flavor is renowned for adventures. Its citrus taste combines an acidic sensation, reminiscent of the wild nature, with its own sweetness that replenishes energy and brings joy. Its natural packag樂威壯 ing is ideal for outdoor sports, […]
Trust: as a state or affirmation of something?
The following question arises from the dialogue and research of the Working Group (WG) on “Trust Research” in AdmEthics/Udesc. The WG proposes to research how and in what way the term “Trust” is being adopted and or used in the field of study on Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this sense, we will present the origin […]
Ph.D. course ending. Post series beginning
Motivated by the inquiry about what we can learn in nature and how do we apply it in our daily lives, I recently defended the thesis “Between two natures: contributions of outdoor adventure education in managers formation” at Santa Catarina State University (Udesc). I enter the world of Outdoor Adventure Education with field research tools, […]
The virtue of trust and the admethics group: perspectives from studies in progress.
Trust is the basis of existing social relationships at all levels, and without it, social cohesion cannot exist (Sélles, 2020). Ethical behavior within a group depends on existing trust relationships (Colquitt et al., 2007; Hardin, 2002; Mayer et al., 1995). Trust in general is a multidisciplinary concept with a wide variety of definitions. Rousseau et al. (1998) define […]
Researcher of Admethics, Laís Silveira Santos, finalizes her postdoctoral period on ethical decision-making process in the Brazilian Public Administration
Laís Silveira Santos, Doctor in Administration by ESAG/UDESC, concluded her postdoctoral research in the AdmEthics Research Group (ESAG/UDESC), with Prof. Dr. Mauricio C. Serafim’s supervision. The postdoctoral research period, financed by Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES), came as a recognition by Capes to Laís for receiving the Capes Thesis Award 2020 in the […]