At the end of a systematic review for the preparation of the thesis project within the ADMETHICS research group on this topic, when describing research that used the dimensions of trustworthiness as determinants of trust, it was possible to observe that the studies present a configuration that is in line with the findings of Cucciniello, Porumbescu, and Grimmelikhuijsen (2017). In this case, it was found that a scenario of positive effects prevails; however, other studies take different positions (negative, neutral, and mixed effects), demonstrating that there is no consensus in the literature on the effects resulting from this relationship, recognizing possible limitations (Grimmelikhuijsen, 2012) and suggesting that other factors may influence the results found (Alessandro et al., 2021).
Referring to the context and particularities of each study, it was noted in the literature review of this project that the research was carried out in different countries, such as Argentina (Alessandro et al…), China (Yan, Wang, Wu, 2020), Korea (Grimmelikhuijsen, Porumbescu, Hong, Im, 2013; Porumbescu, 2015), 2021), China (Yan, Wang, Wu, 2020), South Korea (Grimmelikhuijsen, Porumbescu, Hong, Im, 2013; Porumbescu, 2015), the United States (Auger, 2013), the Netherlands (Grimmelikhuijsen, 2010; Grimmelikhuijsen, Porumbescu, Hong, Im, 2013; Grimmelikhuijsen, 2012; Grimmelikhuijsen, Meijer, 2012; Grimmelikhuijsen, Herkes, Leistikow, Verkroost, Vries, Zijlstra, 2015), Switzerland (Mabillard, Pasquier, 2015) and Ukraine (Rieznik, Lee, 2021).
However, regarding the national scenario on the subject, little progress has been made in studies dealing with the relationship between transparency and government trust. It is known that the Brazilian scenario deals with each issue separately and presents, for example, different levels, perceptions, and evaluations of public transparency. As for government trust, it is known that Latin American citizens are very distrustful of institutions (Guemes, 2019), which is reflected in all income, education, age, and region segments (Moisés; Carneiro, 2008). In Brazil, for example, the results of studies are no different, indicating low levels of trust in government (Latinobarômetro, 2021).
Likewise, when we looked at the scenario presented so far, there was an opportunity to direct our attention to the Brazilian context, considering this issue together. Given this, it is believed that the gap and relevance of this study are evidenced by identifying possible theoretical and practical contributions in the academic sphere, public management, and society involved in this process. It is worth highlighting the possibility of advancing research into the virtue of trust and the theoretical development of public transparency.
Finally, to find out more about this topic, keep an eye out for future publications, in which we will bring you more information, including how the research is being developed within the ADMETHICS group.
ALESSANDRO, Martin et al. Transparency and trust in government. Evidence from a survey experiment. World Development, v. 138, p. 105223, 2021.
CUCCINIELLO, Maria; PORUMBESCU, Gregory A.; GRIMMELIKHUIJSEN, Stephan. 25 years of transparency research: Evidence and future directions. Public administration review, v. 77, n. 1, p. 32-44, 2017.
GRIMMELIKHUIJSEN, Stephan G. Transparency of public decision‐making: Towards trust in local government?. Policy & Internet, v. 2, n. 1, p. 5-35, 2010.
GRIMMELIKHUIJSEN, Stephan. Linking transparency, knowledge and citizen trust in government: An experiment. International Review of Administrative Sciences, v. 78, n. 1, p. 50-73, 2012.
GRIMMELIKHUIJSEN, Stephan G.; MEIJER, Albert J. Effects of transparency on the perceived trustworthiness of a government organization: Evidence from an online experiment. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, v. 24, n. 1, p. 137-157, 2012.
GRIMMELIKHUIJSEN, Stephan et al. The effect of transparency on trust in government: A cross-national comparative experiment. Public administration review, v. 73, n. 4, p. 575-586, 2013.
GRIMMELIKHUIJSEN, Stephan; KNIES, Eva. Validating a scale for citizen trust in government organizations. International Review of Administrative Sciences, v. 83, n. 3, p. 583-601, 2015.
GÜEMES, Cecilia. “Wish you were here” confianza en la administración pública en Latinoamérica. Revista de Administração Pública, v. 53, p. 1067-1090, 2020.
MABILLARD, Vincent; PASQUIER, Martial. Transparency and trust in government: A two-way relationship. Yearbook of Swiss administrative sciences, p. 23-34, 2015.
MOISÉS, José Álvaro; CARNEIRO, Gabriela Piquet. Democracia, desconfiança política e insatisfação com o regime: o caso do Brasil. Opinião Pública, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-42, 2008.
PORUMBESCU, Gregory A. Using transparency to enhance responsiveness and trust in local government: can it work?. State and Local Government Review, v. 47, n. 3, p. 205-213, 2015.
RIEZNIK, S.; LEE, H. Citizens’ perception of corruption and transparency as determinants of public trust in local government in Ukraine. Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava 21 (2): 225–58. 2021.
STAROSCKY, Enéias Alexandre et al. A Transparência dos Portais Municipais sob a Perspectiva da Legislação Brasileira: o caso de prefeituras em Santa Catarina. Revista Reuna, v. 19, n. 1, p. 29-52, 2014.
YAN, Bo; WANG, XiaoHu; WU, Jiannan. Fiscal Transparency Online and Public Trust. China Review, v. 20, n. 3, p. 99-126, 2020.