Ph.D. course ending. Post series beginning
Motivated by the inquiry about what we can learn in nature and how do we apply it in our daily lives, I recently defended the thesis “Between two natures: contributions of outdoor adventure education in managers formation” at Santa Catarina State University (Udesc). I enter the world of Outdoor Adventure Education with field research tools, […]
Outrigger Canoe practice and virtue development: An activity with the business ethics postgraduate students
Its is Monday at 21th of October. Drizzle weather to brave students of Virtues and Moral Dilemmas in Administration class – postgraduate elective discipline at ESAG/ UDESC, show their character endure in participating the extraclass activity with Hawaiian Outrigger Canoes canoeing in Lagoa da Conceição – Florianópolis/Santa Catarina State. The purpose of the activity was […]