Ph.D. course ending. Post series beginning
Motivated by the inquiry about what we can learn in nature and how do we apply it in our daily lives, I recently defended the thesis “Between two natures: contributions of outdoor adventure education in managers formation” at Santa Catarina State University (Udesc). I enter the world of Outdoor Adventure Education with field research tools, […]
Prudence in Thomas Aquinas
When referring to prudence, Aquinas did not refer to the same meaning as today we give the word, as a simple synonymous of wariness and precaution. However, there is some remnant of the idea of prudentia in modern prudence. The prudent for Thomas is the one who “envisions the possibilities that can occur in the contingent situations,” but it don´t stays only […]
Can anyone be prudent without being virtuous?
In the virtue ethics perspective, phronesis, or prudence, has an essential role for virtuous habits. It has been stated that prudence is necessary for the exercise of moral virtues. The relationship between prudence and moral virtues has been defined as one of interdependence, interrelationship. And classic approaches consider prudence as the mother virtue, that which […]