Trust: as a state or affirmation of something?
The following question arises from the dialogue and research of the Working Group (WG) on “Trust Research” in AdmEthics/Udesc. The WG proposes to research how and in what way the term “Trust” is being adopted and or used in the field of study on Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this sense, we will present the origin […]
Artificial intelligence and changes in political culture in Angola
Angolan context On August 25, 2022, the 5th election took place in Angola, where the ruling Popular Party for the Liberation of Angola – MPLA, claims to have won. The election system in Angola happens simultaneously; it is a proportional system in which the president and the deputies called to the National Assembly are elected, […]
Storytelling as a space for strengthening ethical and moral action: My Experiences in Brazil
The sentence according to which “The elders are the guardians of morality, because they can and should be bearers of the truth”, constitutes an explicit indicator of the relevance that orality and its operational instruments can provide us. In this attempt, I will share three situations in which I did storytelling and that their unfolding […]
The disidentity of post-pandemic public administration course students
The present reflection that I make of this brief article comes to the detriment of a dialogue made with one of my greatest intellectual references and who by the way is also co-founder of the Public Administration course at ESAG/UDESC, Prof. Dr Francisco G. Heidemann. Among the various topics discussed with Professor Heidemann, what most […]
The elder as a Symbol of Moral Authority on the African Continent. Part. 1
I begin with the African phrase/saying according to which “In Africa, when an “eldest” dies, it is a library that burns down” Talking about morals, morality, ethics and wisdom on the African continent is most often synonymous with talking about an older person, an adult or an elderly person. It happens naturally and the younger […]