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Admethics Researchers Participate in 7th ISBEE World Congress in Bilbao, Spain: International Society for Business Ethics and Economics 2022

From July 20 to 22, 2022, the city of Bilbao hosted the International Society for Business Ethics and Economics Congress (ISBEE-2022). In this seventh edition, expected in mid-2020 but held only in 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the overall theme of the Conference was “Reinventing Globalization: Community, Virtues, and the Power of Purpose.” The […]


Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992) is considered one of the greatest science fiction writers of the 20th century. Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Asimov wrote more than 400 books, including short stories, novels, fiction novels, and works of popular science on themes of Astronomy, Physics, and History, among others. Especially influential is his fiction about robotics, which […]

Storytelling as a space for strengthening ethical and moral action: My Experiences in Brazil

The sentence according to which “The elders are the guardians of morality, because they can and should be bearers of the truth”, constitutes an explicit indicator of the relevance that orality and its operational instruments can provide us. In this attempt, I will share three situations in which I did storytelling and that their unfolding […]

Ethics of Private Property

This short text is dedicated to be a brief introduction to the subject that, within the fields of research related mainly to political philosophy, but also to the fields of economics and ethics, has come to be called the Ethics of Private Property.                 The discussion about the existence of private property, both in relation […]

The elder as a Symbol of Moral Authority on the African Continent. Part. 1

I begin with the African phrase/saying according to which “In Africa, when an “eldest” dies, it is a library that burns down” Talking about morals, morality, ethics and wisdom on the African continent is most often synonymous with talking about an older person, an adult or an elderly person. It happens naturally and the younger […]

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