Public transparency and governmental trust: contextualization and possible relationships of these themes.
Public transparency constitutes a relevant and notoriously necessary issue in the accounts of public entities and their component bodies in public administration. In addition to ensuring compliance with legal norms, transparency initiatives constitute a responsible management policy that favors the exercise of citizenship by the population (PLATT NETO et al., 2007). Likewise, when we focus on […]
The disidentity of post-pandemic public administration course students
The present reflection that I make of this brief article comes to the detriment of a dialogue made with one of my greatest intellectual references and who by the way is also co-founder of the Public Administration course at ESAG/UDESC, Prof. Dr Francisco G. Heidemann. Among the various topics discussed with Professor Heidemann, what most […]
Thoughts About Corruption
Corruption has been a popular and an old issue for rich and poor countries. Although its popularity, it may present different meanings over time and place it arises. With regard to Brazil, it is prevailing to note distinct facts being approached like corruption, particularly in media such as social networks or even in people´s discourses. […]
Researcher member of the AdmEthics group will present part of her dissertation research Project at IFC-Camboriú this Thursday
The PhD candidate in Administration, member of the AdmEthics group and NISP Researcher, Laís Silveira Santos, will present a part of her dissertation research Project this Thursday (June 29), at 7:00 pm, at the Instituto Federal Catarinense – Campus Camboriú (IFC-Camboriú). Laís is studying how moral dilemmas are experienced in the public management of risks […]