Tag: dilemas morais

Moral Dilemmas in the light of Rosalind Hursthouse’s Virtue Ethics

Throughout life we are always being tested on our character when we make choices, act, or reflect on our trajectory. To act in the right way, whether in professional or family life, requires a daily exercise of virtuous habits, with a view to achieving excellence in who we are and how we act towards others. […]

The new coronavirus pandemic cannot be seen as a moral dilemma of the ‘trolley problem’ for public management

One of the approaches that argues that the new coronavirus pandemic cannot be a moral dilemma for the public management is well illustrated in this image, an adaptation1 of the famous ‘trolley problem’2. Notice the back of the track. Here the question of lives x economy is not presented, but lives x lives: (1) Moral […]

Moral dilemmas in Emergency Management: a reflection on ethical choices

The challenges presented in the management of tragedies – such as environmental disasters – and the way in which they differ from everyday life require preventive reflection that prepares public managers for the moral dilemmas and ethical choices that those situations impose. The importance of connecting ethics in emergency management is advocated by Naomi Zack […]

Researcher member of the AdmEthics group will present part of her dissertation research Project at IFC-Camboriú this Thursday

The PhD candidate in Administration, member of the AdmEthics group and NISP Researcher, Laís Silveira Santos, will present a part of her dissertation research Project this Thursday (June 29), at 7:00 pm, at the Instituto Federal Catarinense – Campus Camboriú (IFC-Camboriú). Laís is studying how moral dilemmas are experienced in the public management of risks […]

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