Moral dilemmas in Emergency Management: a reflection on ethical choices
The challenges presented in the management of tragedies – such as environmental disasters – and the way in which they differ from everyday life require preventive reflection that prepares public managers for the moral dilemmas and ethical choices that those situations impose. The importance of connecting ethics in emergency management is advocated by Naomi Zack […]
Ethics of Disasters: considerations on the field and reading suggestions
In terms of continental dimensions, environmental and climatic disasters are a chronic and recurrent problem in Brazil (Valencio, 2014), representing a significant challenge for governments and communities (Pedroso & Holm-Nielsen, 2017). As recent events of great magnitude of this nature occurred in early 2019, we can mention Vale tragedy in Brumadinho (MG), caused by a […]
When disasters strike, people are not the only victims: reflections on the ethics of disasters and the animal ethics
During a natural disaster such as floods, droughts, fires and hurricanes, usually the first thoughts that come to our minds – as ordinary citizens who do not work in areas specializing in crisis management – are that we must protect our lives and property, right? But what kind of life are we talking about? As […]
Disaster ethics and the touching case of Thai boys trapped in a cave
Crisis, tragedies and disasters have very particular characteristics of uncertainty and require different relationships and responsibilities for their response and solution, with extremely difficult decision making. The philosopher Naomi Zack (2009) – one of the main references on disaster ethics – clarifies that there are aspects of these events that go beyond the obvious facts, […]