Human relations are predominantly centered on hedonism especially on contemporary days. People usually join a relation in first-place to satisfy their own pleasures and well-being. This is was exposed by Zygmunt Bauman in his book “Liquid Love,”. The author sustains that contemporary relationships cease to be a construction of an “we” and become a cult of “I’s”. After all, we live in a globalized world, fast, connected, disposable … someone will satisfy me without demanding me.
In this context, I want to sell a courage pill of virtue to relationships. Hoping that this hypothetical pharmacy helps human flourishing and prosperity in relationships.
The pharmacy is prescribed for two situations: 1) Cowardice, pusillanimity, and 2) temerity, rashness.
Its active principle is courage, a middle point between cowardice and rashness. Is the right measure between extremes. It acts with double effect by in the combating fear in one hand to and pride in other hand. It fits the balance.
The dosage is free. It should be taken whenever is necessary to ordering emotions. It is important to emphasize that the pill don’t cancel “cold feet” sensation when you face important decisions. But rather it generates the necessary reflection and provide bases of courage for a virtuous action.
The pharmacist’s hypothetical tests by the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard resulted in the side effect called “leap of faith”. Life does not give us guarantees, it will always require a leap of faith. Therefore, have courage and choose virtuous relationships even if there are no guarantees. Take your dose of courage and jump!