Prudence in Thomas Aquinas
When referring to prudence, Aquinas did not refer to the same meaning as today we give the word, as a simple synonymous of wariness and precaution. However, there is some remnant of the idea of prudentia in modern prudence. The prudent for Thomas is the one who “envisions the possibilities that can occur in the contingent situations,” but it don´t stays only […]
Virtues for the protection of life
What virtues do we need to protect someone’s life? When we understand that each person has a value in herself, we reject actions that humiliate, mistreat or incur someone’s life. The person herself, the target of these actions, may complain in this situation, seeks for her rights. But what if this person has no capacity […]
Virtues and our relationships
As we reflect on life, personal actions, and the events around us, we wonder what can lead us to a happier life, and we often think that our relationships influence this happiness, as well as how coexistence would be easier and more peaceful if moral issues and ethics were common concerns. When we think of […]
Outrigger Canoe practice and virtue development: An activity with the business ethics postgraduate students
Its is Monday at 21th of October. Drizzle weather to brave students of Virtues and Moral Dilemmas in Administration class – postgraduate elective discipline at ESAG/ UDESC, show their character endure in participating the extraclass activity with Hawaiian Outrigger Canoes canoeing in Lagoa da Conceição – Florianópolis/Santa Catarina State. The purpose of the activity was […]
The Crazy of Carlos Drummond de Andrade and the Applications on our Reality
Reading good books, appreciating the arts and listening to good music develop in us a stronger ability to perceive the world around us. Reading has always exerted and will profoundly transform the sincere reader who recognizes that he knows little, and that even under that little, there is an immensity to consider. Sensitivity becomes heightened in the reading exercise and the […]
Virtuousness and environment
How can organizational and natural environments facilitate the development of virtues? Among the classics, Plato (427-347 BC) states that ethical life is gradually raised by the appropriateness of this life to higher ideas (eide), analogous to the form of the Good. From Plato, Aristotle (384-322 BC) translates that the end of man is the temporal […]
The irrelevance of ethics
The title may seem a bit presumptuous, a harsh statement. And in fact, however, this is the title of an article published in the book Virtue and economy: Essays on morality and markets. The article in question is from an author of paramount importance to the context of ethics, more precisely the ethics of virtues, […]
Virtues in relationships
Practicing Virtues in relationships is not always easy. Sometimes we are in a good humor, everything is going OK and everyone is treating us kindly, agreeing with everything we say. Than, maybe we will forget that practicing virtuous is something that has to be done all the time and we don’t realize that there’s an […]
Courage pill for relationships based on virtue ethics
Human relations are predominantly centered on hedonism especially on contemporary days. People usually join a relation in first-place to satisfy their own pleasures and well-being. This is was exposed by Zygmunt Bauman in his book “Liquid Love,”. The author sustains that contemporary relationships cease to be a construction of an “we” and become a cult […]
Virtues and Technology: Forgotten lessons
It was part of the imagery of ancient Greece the distinction between human perfection through the virtues and the technique/technology as a minor activity. The technique was considered a way of “cheating” physical reality, creating artifacts whose mere course of nature would not be able to do, in order to satisfy certain human desires. But […]