Artificial Intelligence and Trust
Unlike all interactions of man with technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has added complexity to the dynamics and exchanges it establishes with people. Because it has a certain degree of autonomy in its responses, which happen through artificial neural networks, the connection that develops between AI and individuals needs to be better understood and deepened. It […]
Dignity as an object of ethical reflection
“Searchin’ high, searchin’ low Searchin’ everywhere I know Askin’ the cops wherever I go Have you seen dignity”.[i] (Bob Dylan, Dignity, 1989). Dignity is a word known to all, and often quoted in various subjects, that is, it is a common word; this understood notion ends up not encouraging us to understand it, or think […]
XAI and the right to explanation
You may not even know how an algorithm works, but you must have heard this word. So does artificial intelligence (AI): is it a robot, a machine, a system? Many people have daily contact with modern technologies, which are immersed in different spheres of life and influence practically the entire social fabric. Still, few understand […]
The dignity of the human person from the perspective of the image and likeness of God
The dignity of the human person is the foundation of our Republic (1st article, III, Federal Constitution). The term, however, has been used indiscriminately and without adequate delimitation. In this way, there is a risk of trivializing the concept and relativizing its meaning. The dignity of the human person can be understood in a simple […]
The dignity of the human person in Thomas Aquino
The human being is absolutely recognized as the center and end of law by almost all legal systems in the western world. Among several examples, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNITED NATIONS, 1948 p. 71 to 77) invokes, only in its general part, human dignity three times, which is why it is considered the […]
Do you want to be happy?
We live on a quest even if we don’t think about it. It can be small things like achieving a goal for the day or longer purposes like life plans. For some, reflections on the meaning of life are more constant and profound; for others, it is implicit in everyday life and living, one day […]
10 ethical issues involving artificial intelligence (part 1)
In early 2021, renowned software developer Serokell, based in Tallinn, Estonia, asked some Artificial Intelligence experts what kept them up at night in relation to the product of their work, and what were their fears about the fruit of their research. The answers could be summarized in 10 main points. In this short text, I […]
The disidentity of post-pandemic public administration course students
The present reflection that I make of this brief article comes to the detriment of a dialogue made with one of my greatest intellectual references and who by the way is also co-founder of the Public Administration course at ESAG/UDESC, Prof. Dr Francisco G. Heidemann. Among the various topics discussed with Professor Heidemann, what most […]
Technological Determinism and the Social Construction of Technology
Debates around technology have become prominent in academia as artifacts acquire more and more refinement. Following the logic, studies on Artificial Intelligence are taking spaces that transcend the areas of engineering and computer science. Due to its ethical, moral, philosophical and anthropological implications, scholars are looking to understand how this technology is affecting and will […]
The data privacy debate should be improved
The impact that technology has on everyday life, its most diverse aspects, of course is inevitable. It is almost a rarity to find someone who is not registered on some kind of platform, in which, from an electronic device, one has access to some type of service. and there is no way to escape technological […]