An article presented by researchers from the University from Santa Catarina State (Udesc) was awarded this thursday, 5, at the 17º Meeting from the National Association from Postgraduate and Research in Administration – Anpad (EnAnpad 2018), that ended this saturday, 6, at Positivo University, in Curitiba (PR). EnAnpad is the biggest scientific event in the area at the country.
The Doctor student Maria Clara Figueiredo Dalla Costa Ames, and her advisor, professor doctor Maurício Custódio Serafim, are the authors of the article “Practical Wisdom: a Systematic Revision about Education, Teaching and Learning of Phronesis in Administration”. The article got an award of best article in the area of Teaching and Research.
The article was produced at Udesc’s Postgraduate Program in Administration, linked to the Center of Sciences of Administration and Socioeconomics (Esag), in Florianópolis.
The meeting organization awarded the best article in each one of the 11 academic division (on of then, the Teaching and Research in Administration one). The awarded articles has the righ of fast track regime at the evaluation process for been publicated at one of Anpad journal (RAC and BAR).
More information about the Doctor in Administration of Udesc Esag can been found with the Secretary of Postgraduate Teaching, by the e-mail or telephone number +55 (48) 3664-8220.
Communication Advisory of Udesc Esag
Journalist Carlito COsta
Telephone number: (48) 3664-8281
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