Udesc Doctor student has an article awarded at a national scientific meeting of Administration
An article presented by researchers from the University from Santa Catarina State (Udesc) was awarded this thursday, 5, at the 17º Meeting from the National Association from Postgraduate and Research in Administration – Anpad (EnAnpad 2018), that ended this saturday, 6, at Positivo University, in Curitiba (PR). EnAnpad is the biggest scientific event in the […]
Presentation of NISP in the 3rd Academic Week Of Public Administration Of UDESC
Professor Mauricio Serafim, leader of the Admethics research project and deputy leader of NISP (Research Centre for Social Innovation in Public Sphere) participated in the 3rd Public Administration Academic Week of the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc), presenting the work of NISP and Admethics on April 17th. Check out the video: The event took […]