On September 23, the AdmEthics research group met to honor the first doctoral defense of a group researcher since its initial formation.
Advised by Prof. Dr. Mauricio C. Serafim, leader of the research group, Laís Silveira Santos defended her PhD Dissertation in Administration, entitled “The Ethics of public management in the light of the rationality approach: the moral dilemmas experienced in Emergency Management in Santa Catarina”. In addition to her advisor, six other doctoral professors participated in the doctoral defense: Francisco G. Heidemann (ESAG/UDESC), Daniel Pinheiro (ESAG/UDESC), Marcello Zappellini (ESAG/UDESC and AdmEthics researcher), George Candler (University of North Florida), Ariston Azevedo (EA/UFRGS and AdmEthics researcher), and Sérgio L. Boeira (CPGA/UFSC).

In her PhD dissertation, Laís aims to “know and characterize how public managers deliberate in the face of moral dilemmas experienced in public emergency management in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil”. The theoretical framework is based on theories of moral development and the rationality approach in organizations. Following a phenomenological approach, the research was conducted using non-participant observation and in-depth interviews with emergency managers from Santa Catarina, Brazil, as well as interviews with managers from the state of Florida, United States.
The PhD defense recording is available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK90o3mrafk