Professors Maria Clara Figueiredo Dalla Costa Ames and Mauricio Custódio Serafim. had awarded the paper “Moral Virtues and Phronesis of Pro-Life Volunteers: A Study of Multiple Cases in the Light of the Ethics of Virtues” (“Virtudes Morais e Phronesis de Voluntários Pró-vida: Um Estudo de Casos Múltiplos à Luz da Ética das Virtudes”) presented at the XLV ANPAD Meeting – EnANPAD 2021, held in October this year in the online format.
The article was submitted in the area of Teaching and Research in Administration and Accounting with the topic of interest “Epistêmê, Téchnê, and Phronesis in the training, teaching, and development of professionals and researchers.”
The work presented analyzed the relationship between moral virtues and phronesis from volunteers from civil society organizations that work for the protection and assistance of pregnant women, known as pro-life. Supported by the Aristotelian-Thomistic approach to virtue ethics, the article’s evidence suggests the relationship between phronesis and moral virtues, between prudence and temperance and prudence-hope, to balance current priorities and future expectations.
This year’s EnANPAD had activities that reflected the event’s central theme, “INEQUALITY & DIVERSITY: THINKING INCLUSIVE ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETIES,” and kept the organization consolidated in 11 (eleven) Academic Divisions, which brought together topics of interest to the Administration and related areas.
The list with all the winners and the complete papers are available on the event’s website: