The “XLVI Encontro da ANPAD – EnANPAD” is one of the leading academic events in the Administration area. The 2022 edition will take place in September in 100% online format. The central theme will discuss different current challenges of society, giving space for reflections on the various individual and organizational actors in Administration.
This year, professors Maurício Serafim and Maria Clara Ames are coordinators of theme 1 – Knowing (Epistêmê), Knowing How to Do (Téchnê), and Knowing How to Act (Phronesis) in the training, teaching, and development of professionals and researchers, today – of the EPQ – Teaching and Research in Administration and Accounting.
The theme aims to promote studies on the training of researchers and professionals in the area in an integral approach to knowledge, involving epistêmê (scientific knowledge), technical knowledge based on téchnê (knowing how to do), and that resulting from phronesis (knowing how to deliberate in specific contexts, how and when to act). A trilogy that privileges the unity of knowledge inherent to action and decision, implying prudence and learning through reflection and direct experience.
Did it interest you? There is still time to participate! Submissions are accepted until 11/04/2022.
More information on the event website.